How To Get Your Point Across In Vehicle Graphics


Vehicle graphics can be a powerful marketing tool for your business. However, they’re only effective if they follow some basic design principles. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about designing vehicle graphics that will help you get your point across and attract new customers. Signwriters Sydney did some basic designs for your brands to help your business.

Use high contrast.

The first and most important thing you can do to make your message stand out is to use high contrast. This means choosing a color scheme that uses a lot of different colors, but where the text and graphics are all clearly separated from each other.

Using only one or two colors for your graphics, logo, and text will make it harder to read because there isn’t enough contrast between them. For example:

  • If you want people who pass by on the street or drive by in their cars (or whatever) notice what you’re selling then use bright colors like reds/oranges/yellows; these are known as “high-intensity” colors. They’ll be able to see them better than if they were using duller shades like blues/purples/browns which are known as “low intensity.”

Keep it simple.

Keeping things simple is the best way to ensure that your audience will understand and retain your message.

  • Use simple designs: Simple graphics, colors, fonts and words are easier for people to process than complicated ones. This will help you get your point across more effectively and efficiently.
  • Keep it clean and uncluttered: The more clutter on an ad or vehicle wrap (or any other type of advertising), the harder it is for people to pay attention to what you’re trying to say–and this means they may not notice anything at all! To avoid this problem, keep everything simple as much as possible while still keeping things interesting enough so that they don’t become boring or mundane

Use big fonts.

In order to get your point across, you need to use a large font size. A bold font will also help make sure that your message is clear and easy to read from a distance.

  • Reverse contrast: A reverse contrast is when you use two different colors on top of each other (for example, black text over white background). This can be used in combination with any other technique listed above.
  • Combination of fonts: Using different fonts together can help create an interesting look for your vehicle graphics without sacrificing legibility or readability–as long as both fonts are easy-to-read! Make sure they match well enough in style so they don’t look too jarring next to one another but still stand out enough so people notice them right away when looking at their cars/trucks/busses etc…

Go above and beyond on your business information.

  • Include your business name and logo
  • Include your contact information, including address, phone number and email address. If you have a website URL, include that as well.
  • Add a QR code for easy access to mobile users who want to learn more about your business or products/services. You can also add a social media icon if you are active on Twitter or Facebook (or both).

You don’t need a slogan.

If you’re looking to create a vehicle graphic that really stands out and gets noticed, then you don’t need a slogan. A slogan is not a requirement for vehicle graphics. In fact, the majority of businesses that use vinyl graphics do not use any type of slogan or tagline at all! If you do have a catchy phrase or motto in mind as part of your business identity, make sure it’s short and memorable–and unique!

Don’t forget to include an image or icon.

One of the best ways to get your point across is with an image or icon. Images are extremely effective because they allow you to convey your brand, message, product and service all at once. If you have a logo or mascot that is familiar with your customers then it can be used as well.

Using images has some drawbacks though; they take up space on the vehicle which limits how much text you can fit on there too! So make sure whatever images or icons you choose will work well together before designing them into your design so that nothing looks crowded or out of place when printed off onto vinyl films for installation onto vehicles

Vehicle graphics are a powerful marketing tool for your business if you follow some basic design principles.

Vehicle graphics are a great way to get your business noticed, but they can also be a powerful marketing tool if you follow some basic design principles.

First, use high contrast, simple designs and big fonts. Make sure there’s enough space between letters so that people can read them easily from far away. Don’t forget to include your business information (phone number and website) on the same side of the vehicle so that drivers don’t need to turn around in order to find out more about you! Don’t use a slogan or tagline; if anything goes wrong with one part of your ad campaign–such as when another company purchases similar rights from another advertiser–you’ll have no backup plan in place should something happen later down the line after putting all this effort into making sure everything went smoothly during production time period only for someone else’s name appearing instead when driving around town advertising themselves over yours after buying up those same rights later down road due unforeseen circumstances happening unexpectedly making it impossible for anyone else other than yourself being ableto do anything about changing back things back again once more since there wasn’t any type protection clause included within contract agreements signed between parties involved which could’ve prevented such thing happening…


The best way to get people’s attention is through high contrast, simple designs and big fonts. You don’t need a slogan or a crazy design if you can communicate your message effectively with these three things alone. Vehicle graphics are a powerful marketing tool for your business if you follow some basic design principles.

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