How Signwriters Get Jobs


Signwriters are the unsung heroes of our society. They transform businesses and homes with their artistic designs and attention to detail, but how do they get jobs? Signwriters Sydney don’t simply sit around and wait for clients to come knocking on their doors. Instead, they find new jobs by following these simple steps:

They do their homework

“Do your homework!” This is the mantra of any experienced professional, and it’s especially true when you’re working in an industry as competitive as signwriting.

If you’re serious about getting into the signs business, then you need to know everything there is to know about it. Start by researching your local market and understanding what makes it unique. Who are your competitors? Are they local or do they operate on a national scale? What services do they provide their clients, and how does this differ from what other companies offer? What kind of signage does each company specialize in—car signage, shop frontage graphics or A-frames for events? How do these companies communicate with their customers—are they based in person or online only (and if the latter why would this be an advantage)?

Once you have researched your market thoroughly it will be easier for you to understand who exactly needs some custom signage done so that when one comes along everything will fall into place smoothly instead of having to scramble around looking for someone who knows what they’re doing.”

They answer the phone

  • Answer the phone when it rings. Don’t ignore the phone, don’t let it ring too long, and don’t leave the phone off the hook. If someone calls on a land line (that is, not a mobile), take notes in case they need more information than you can give them by answering their questions.
  • Don’t let your personal cell phone ring while you’re on an important conference call or client meeting that requires your full attention. Your clients will appreciate being able to reach you quickly and easily when they need to talk about their project with you or just get an update on where things stand.

They follow-up with clients

It is important to follow-up with clients because you never know when they may need more work done. If a client has previously used your services, they should be ready to hire you again in the future.

Here are some tips for following up with clients:

  • Send them thank you cards
  • Call them up and say hello (if they don’t answer, leave a voicemail)
  • Remind them that you’re available if they need more work done in the future

If a client doesn’t respond after two attempts at contact, it’s time to move on. If a client does respond and tells you about another job opportunity or asks for information about how much it would cost for another service, make sure that person knows how much time and effort goes into creating quality signage before accepting any job from them.

They have a backup plan when a job falls through

Understanding how to get the job is crucial and you need to be prepared for when things don’t go according to your plan. To ensure that you are always prepared, you should have a backup plan in place.

How do I prepare for a backup plan?

If you’re on board with having a backup plan, then it’s good practice to keep this as simple as possible. Keeping it too complicated may mean that confusion over what has happened will lead to additional complications down the line. For example: if someone else is doing all of the work for you, then they might not know how much time or money has been invested into getting the job done. And if they don’t know this, then there might not be enough time left over even after completing your project which would mean that all of your hard work went down the drain!

So instead of telling them everything about what happened and why did it happen—just let them know what needs fixing before anything else gets done again by either asking questions or making requests rather than demanding answers from others who could potentially cause more harm than good (if they aren’t fully aware).

They have a reliable vehicle for transportation

A reliable vehicle is perhaps the most important tool in a signwriter’s arsenal. Without one, you might not be able to get to jobs or fulfill your obligations as an employee. Additionally, transportation influences the quality of your work and how much money you make as a signwriter. For example, if it takes too long to get from one job to another on public transportation, then you may end up rushing through each project or taking less time than necessary—both of which can negatively affect client satisfaction and lead to lost business opportunities (which means fewer jobs!).

If you don’t have a car but need one for work purposes, there are several options for acquiring one: renting; buying secondhand; buying new (if allowed by your employer); buying used with financing from an online loan company; or leasing from a dealership or private owner (in which case the lease payments would be deducted from each paycheck).

Signwriters are hard workers. You can be one, too.

Signwriters are hard workers. They have to be reliable, trustworthy, and able to work well with others. Signwriters also need to be good with their hands—able to draw and paint detailed designs, take measurements, use a tape measure and more.

Signwriting is an art that takes years of practice and training to perfect, but it’s not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. In fact, many people find they have natural talent for signwriting from the start! So if you’re thinking about becoming a signwriter yourself… don’t worry—you’ve got this!


Getting a job as a signwriter isn’t always easy, but it is definitely worth the effort. Signwriting is a rewarding career that allows you the freedom to work where and when you want—and with whom! By following these tips, you can learn how to become an expert at finding jobs and getting hired by clients who value your expertise. Click here on how to get a job for signwriters.

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