10 Car Detailing Tips That Will Make Life Easier


I don’t know about you, but I love to drive my car. It’s a piece of machinery that gets me from A to B, but it also has personality—and plenty of flaws. That’s why I like to keep it looking good by giving it the occasional detailing. Keeping your car clean and shiny may seem like an unnecessary waste of time, but there are several benefits to doing so. Here are ten tips that will help you keep your ride looking its best:

Wash your car more often than you think you need to.

Washing your car more often than you think you need to is one of the most important things that you can do. The other thing is applying a paint protection Melbourne with multiple coatings so that it will last long before it fades. It’s also one of the easiest ways to keep your car looking great. Here are some reasons why:

  • The longer dirt and dust sit on your car, the harder they become to remove. If you let it sit for too long, then washing will take more time and effort because all of that grime will have soaked into the paintwork by then.
  • Washing regularly prevents rust from forming on your vehicle’s body panels because water acts as a barrier against corrosion – it doesn’t allow oxidation (rust) to form in between rain showers or after heavy downpours, which means there won’t be anything left behind once those drops dry up again. However, if these areas remain dry for too long before getting cleaned off properly (or worse yet left uncleaned altogether), then oxidation could start occurring much faster than normal due to lack of moisture resistance during warm seasons such as summertime when temperatures get hotter across much

Focus on preventative maintenance by using a good coating.

It’s not enough to just leave your car out in the elements and hope that it doesn’t get damaged. To keep your car looking great, you need to be proactive and use a good coating. This is a step that will help protect your paint from UV rays and other environmental factors, as well as make cleaning easier since you won’t have to worry about getting scratches or swirl marks on the paint.

It’s also worth noting that coatings can be used to prevent water spots when washing the car, so this is something else you’ll want to look into in order to make sure all of your hard work stays intact!

Use specialty tools for the best results.

When detailing your car, it’s important to invest in quality tools and products. Tools like microfiber towels can make a world of difference if they’re high quality. The same goes for wax, car wash, and polish.

Use clay to remove surface contaminants.

Clay is a product that you can use to remove surface contaminants from the paint of your car. It’s like a gentle exfoliator for your car’s paint.

Clay does not remove heavy scratches, or swirls from the paint; it simply cleans off dust, bugs and other small particles that have embedded themselves on top of the clear coat. You can buy clay in various forms: as a liquid (wash and wax), paste (polish/wax) or bar (polish).

When using clay, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Clay should only be used on new vehicles, or ones that have been thoroughly washed before detailing with clay. If you use it on an older vehicle with lots of oxidation (faded paint), you are more likely to do more damage than good. This is because claying too aggressively will cause tiny scratches into the clear coat and expose bare metal underneath which will oxidize over time causing permanent damage to your car’s finish if not repaired properly immediately after claying! Be careful when using any kind of abrasive on an older vehicle since they usually can’t handle aggressive removal methods very well at all!

Opt for a synthetic wax.

If you’re not a fan of natural waxes, synthetic waxes are the way to go. They’re harder and therefore easier to apply without having to use a lot of elbow grease (and it doesn’t take much elbow grease, trust us). These waxes also tend to last longer than their natural counterparts and are easier to remove.

If you aren’t sure which type of car polish is best for your needs, check out our guide here!

Remove excess water after rinsing to avoid water spots.

You’ve just finished washing your car, and the final step before drying is to remove excess water. You can do this by using a microfiber towel to gently blot the vehicle’s exterior. However, if you don’t want water spots or streaks on your car, use a squeegee instead of wiping away excess water with a rag.

Some people prefer to use chamois cloths to dry their vehicles because they’re soft and absorbent. However, these materials also tend to attract dirt as soon as they get wet—which defeats the purpose of washing your car in the first place! If you’re concerned about leaving behind any streaks from rinsing off soap residue (or even just plain old dirt), try using leaf blowers instead of rags for drying purposes; however, keep in mind that this method can be quite noisy if done outdoors (and probably not very eco-friendly either).

Use products designed specifically for RV detailing.

One of the biggest challenges associated with RV detailing is that you have so many surface areas to clean, and many of those surface areas are difficult to reach. For example, how do you get behind the stove? Or up in that corner above the kitchen cabinets? This is where products designed specifically for RV detailing can help make things easier and faster.

RV cleaners come in spray bottles or aerosol cans, which makes them easy to use even when cleaning hard-to-reach places like inside a vent. In addition to being convenient, they’re also safe on all types of materials—from plastic windows to metal trim—so there’s no need for multiple products throughout your cleaning process.

Clean your fuel door and drain the gas tank during detailing.

Most people don’t realize that your car’s fuel door and fuel tank are different parts of the same thing. The fuel door is where you put the gas in, and the fuel tank is where the gas goes.

It may sound silly, but cleaning this area can make a huge difference in how clean your car looks when it comes out of detailing. Cleaning out any dirt or grime from here will prevent dirt from getting onto your vehicle’s body while it is being washed or detail cleaned later on during detailing!

Don’t forget about the rims and tires when detailing your car.

You may be surprised to learn that the tires and rims are an important part of your car. They can be cleaned with a simple brush and polished with a tire dressing. You can also clean them with a tire cleaner or shine them up with a tire shine product. Be sure to check out all these products on Amazon, including:

  • [Amazon] Car Wash Brush (Designed for Use on Cars)
  • [Amazon] The Best Tire Cleaner You Can Get – 303 Aerospace Protectant & Cleaner Kit, 16 oz (Pack of 2)
  • [Amazon] Turtle Wax 88006 Tire Shine, 12 Oz

Detail your car’s interior too

When you’re detailing your car’s interior, it’s important not to overlook the rims and tires. Even though they’re on the outside of your vehicle, these parts have a lot of contact with dirt and grime that could end up making its way onto your dashboard or seats if you don’t clean them thoroughly.

You’ll want to use products specifically designed for cleaning these parts of your car. A good rule of thumb is that if it isn’t an exterior product, then it probably shouldn’t be used on these areas either (for example: don’t use Armor All on a tire).

Car detailing is not complicated but it is helpful to have some ideas how to do it right

Car detailing is not complicated but it is helpful to have some ideas how to do it right. There are many ways to do car detailing and you may choose to do it yourself or hire a professional. Whatever your choice, it is important that you do the job right.

There are many reasons why people choose to have their cars detailed regularly:

  • They want their car’s paintwork looking its best as they drive around town and visit friends and family.
  • They want their seats and upholstery cleaned so they can sit in comfort when driving long distances in their vehicles.
  • Having a clean vehicle helps reduce the risk of having an accident because dirt on your windscreen can make driving difficult in bad weather conditions such as rain or foggy weather conditions where visibility could be poor if there was too much dirt on the windscreen of your car causing glare that makes it hard for drivers behind them see what’s happening ahead!


Car detailing is not complicated but it is helpful to have some ideas how to do it right. We hope this article has given you some good tips for your next detailing job and left you feeling inspired to get started!

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